Nitro Logistics Safety

Nitro Logistics. regards their employees as their most important asset. The company will, at all times, and at every level of management, attempt to provide and maintain a safe working environment.

We will constantly improve site safety, communication, and culture. We will identify and eliminate unsafe conditions to create an environment where no employee will work in a way that endangers life or health.

Nitro Logistics. is committed to the safety of all craft workers and other employees at our project sites and offices, whether employees of Nitro Logistics, our subcontractors, or others. Safety must never be compromised. It is part of quality workmanship and the mark of true professionals. We will meet or exceed government standards as we work to be a model for the staffing industry.

  • For those locations that required Forklift Certification, Nitro Logistics employs OSHA certified trainers to conduct training and testing for all types of forklifts.
  • Nitro Logistics On-Premises Specialist or Nitro Logistics Representative will explain what PPE’s (Personal Protective Equipment) may be required while you are on assignment.
  • In case of injury, we will Immediately speak to a warehouse supervisor or On-Premises Specialist who will determine the severity of the injury and provide first aid and/or what the next steps are. You will help the supervisor understand what happened by describing the details of the incident. If medical care is necessary, appropriate arrangements will be made.